Geometry Problems

170 problemas de geometria diferencial
    E. R. Rozend—rn
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Paperback. 160 pages. Spanish.    

2000 Theoremes et Problemes de Geometrie avec solutions, 8th edition
    Antoine Dalle and G. David
    Wesmael-Charlier, Namur: 1961
    Hardcover. 1055 pages.    

A Source Book of Problems for Geometry
    Mabel Sykes
    Dale Seymour, City of publication unknown: 2000
    Paperback. 376 pages.    ISBN 0-86651-795-2    

A Source Book of Problems for Geometry, based upon industrial design
    Mabel Sykes
    Allyn and Bacon, Boston: 1912
    Unknown binding. 372 pages.     LCCN 13-000852

An examination manual in plane geometry
    George Albert Wentworth
    Ginn, Boston: 1894
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-020120

Aufgaben aus der niederen Geometrie
    B. G. Teubner, Leipzig: 1903
    Unknown binding. 123 pages. German.     LCCN 85-666374

Aufgabensammlung zur analytischen geometrie der ebene
    Otto Th Bürklen
    G. J. Göschen, Leipzig: 1905
    Unknown binding. 196 pages. German.     LCCN 06-003349

Aufgabensammlung zur analytischen Geometrie der Ebene
    Otto Th Bürklen
    G. J. Göschen, Leipzig: 1912
    Unknown binding. 175 pages. German.     LCCN 49-039440

Aufgabensammlung zur analytischen geometrie des raumes
    Otto Th Bürklen
    G. J. Göschen, Leipzig: 1906
    Unknown binding. 98 pages. German.     LCCN 07-010261

Challenging Problems in Geometry
    Alfred S. Posamentier and Charles T. Salkind
    Dale Seymour, City of publication unknown: 1997
    Paperback. 256 pages.    ISBN 0-86651-428-7    

Drill book in plane geometry
    Robert Remington Goff
    The Palmer company, Boston: 1937
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 37-025040

Exercices de géometrie
    Théodule Caronnett
    Vuibert, Paris: 1929
    Unknown binding. French.     LCCN 29-017006

Exercices de Geometrie
    F. G.-M.
    Librarie Generale, Paris: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 1302 pages. French.    

Exercices de Geometrie 2, edition
    J. Rivaud
    Vuibert, Paris: 1966
    Hardcover. 205 pages. French.    

Exercices de Geometrie dans lÕEspace
    Pierre LeJeannic
    Librarie Croville, Paris: 1937
    Paperback. 130 pages. French.    

Exercices de Geometrie Moderne
    J. Lemaire
    Vuibert, Paris: 1937
    Paperback. 169 pages. French.    

Exercices de Geometrie Moderne
    G. Papelier
    Vuibert, Paris: 1953
    Hardcover. French.    

Exercices de Geometrie Moderne II
    G. Papelier
    Vuibert, Paris: 1959
    Paperback. 469 pages. French.    

Exercices de géométrie moderne, précédés de l'exposé élémentaire des
    G. Papelier
    Vuibert, Paris: 1925
    Unknown binding. French.     LCCN 26-003253

Exercices et problèmes corrigés, géométrie, cinématique, probabilités et
    Moïse. Bellaïche
    Dunod, Paris: 1969
    Unknown binding. 182 pages. French.     LCCN 72-545189

Exercises de mathématiques spéciales, tome 3: GŽomŽtrie, gŽomŽtrie diffŽrentielle
    Bernard Gostiaux
    Presses Universitaires de France, Paris: 1997
    Paperback. 336 pages. French.    ISBN 2-13-048729-7    

Exercises élémentaires de géométrie analytique à deux et à trois dimensions
    A. Rémond
    Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1898
    Unknown binding. French.     LCCN 33-038899

Exercises in analytic geometry
    Unknown publisher, City of publication unknown: 1904
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 04-009812

Exercises in concrete geometry with supplementary discussions
    David Sands Wright
    Unknown publisher, Cedar Falls, IA: 1903
    Unknown binding. 82 pages.     LCCN 03-010247

Exercises in concrete geometry with supplementary discussions
    David Sands Wright
    D. C. Heath, Boston: 1906
    Unknown binding. 84 pages.     LCCN 06-024591

Exercises in geometry
    Grace Lawrence Edgett
    D. C. Heath, Boston: 1909
    Unknown binding. 81 pages.     LCCN 09-027982

Exercises in geometry
    Elmer Adelbert Lyman
    Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, Boston: 1890
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-020116

Exercises in plane geometry
    Frederick Leighton
    Unknown publisher, Oswego, NY: 1920
    Unknown binding. 63 pages.     LCCN 20-010566

Exercises in Stewart's Plane and solid geometry
    Seth Thayer Stewart
    American book company, New York: 1893
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-020119

Geometrical exercises
    David Sands Wright
    A. Flanagan, Chicago: 1892
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-020121

Geometrical problems deducible from the first six books of Euclid, arranged
    Miles Bland
    J. Smith, Cambridge: 1827
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-020111

Geometrie: 700 exercices resolus et 10 sujets dÕetude
    J. M. Monier
    Dunod, City of publication unknown: 1993
    Paperback. 347 pages. French.    ISBN 2-10-001128-6    

Géométrie - 1re-2e années mp, psi, PC, pt - cours et 400 exercices corrigés
    J.-M. Monier
    Unknown publisher, City of publication unknown: 2000
    Paperback. 472 pages. French.    ISBN 2-10-004918-6    

How Does One Cut a Triangle?
    Alexander Soifer
    Center for Excellence in Mathematics, Colorado Springs: 1990
    Paperback. 138 pages.    ISBN 0-940263-01-7     LCCN 90-060349

Japanese Temple Geometry Problems: San Gaku
    Hidetosi Fukagawa and Dan Pedoe
    Charles Babbage Research Centre, Winnepeg: 1989
    Paperback. 206 pages.    ISBN 0-919611-21-4    

Mathematical, geometrical, and philosophical delights: containing essays
    Unknown publisher, London: 1792
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 44-030832

Mathematische Aufgaben aus der analytischen Geometrie, der Differential
    Eugen Beutel
    W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart: 1947
    Unknown binding. 120 pages.     LCCN 48-007116

Methoden zur lösung geometrischer aufgaben
    B. Kerst
    B. G. Teubner, Leipzig: 1916
    Unknown binding. German.     LCCN 24-031247

Methods and Theories for the solution of Problems of Geometrical Constructions applied to 410 problems
    Julius Peterson
    G. F. Stechert, New York: 1923
    Paperback. 102 pages.    

Original exercises in plane and solid geometry
    Levi Leonard Conant
    American book company, New York: 1905
    Unknown binding. 124 pages.     LCCN 05-038495

Plane problems in elementary geometry
    Samuel Edward Warren
    John Wiley & son, New York: 1867
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-021420

Problemas de geometr’a anal’tica
    D. Kletenik
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 3067870 pages. Spanish.    

Problemas de geometria descriptiva
    V. O. Gordon, Yu. B. Ivanov, and T. E. Solntseva
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 320 pages. Spanish.    

Problemas de geometria descriptiva
    O. V. L—ktev and P. A. Chislov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 136 pages. Spanish.    

Problemas de geometr’a diferencial
    A. S. Fedenko
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 280 pages. Spanish.    

Problemas de geometria diferencial y topologia
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Paperback. Spanish.    

Probleme de sinteza de geometrie plana si în spatiu
    Gheorghe D. Simionescu
    Editura Tehnica, Bucarest: 1978
    Unknown binding. 190 pages. unknown.     LCCN 78-382073

Problemes de Geometrie Analytique
    D. Kletenik
    Mir, Moscow: 1969
    Hardcover. 252 pages. French.    

Problèmes de géométrie analytique
    David Viktorovich Kletenik
    Unknown publisher, Mascou: 1964
    Unknown binding. 292 pages. French.     LCCN 67-048541

Problmes de gŽomŽtrie analytiquesous la direction du professeur
    D. KlŽtŽnik
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 298 pages. French.    

Problemes de Geometrie Elementaire
    Ivan Alexandroff
    A. Hermann, Paris: 1899
    Hardcover. 154 pages. French.    

Problems and Solutions in Euclidean Geometry
    M. N. Aref and William Wernick
    Dover Publications, New York: 1968
    Hardcover. 258 pages.    ISBN 0-486-62005-0     LCCN 68-020952

Problems descriptive geometry
    L. Arustamov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 408 pages.    

Problems in analytic geometry
    D. Kletenik
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 302 pages.    

Problems in Analytic Geometry
    D. Kletenik and N. Vefimov
    University Press of the Pacific, City of publication unknown: 2002
    Paperback. 300 pages.    ISBN 0-89875-714-2    

Problems in Euclidean Space: Application of Convexity
    H. G. Eggleston
    Pergamon Press, New York: 1957
    Hardcover. 165 pages.     LCCN 57-14863

Problems in Geometry
    A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
    Marcel Berger, X. Saint-Raymond, P. Pansu, and J. P. Berry
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1984
    Hardcover. 266 pages.    ISBN 0-387-90971-0     LCCN 84-005495

Problems in Geometry
    A. Kutepov and A. Rubanov
    Mir, Moscow: 1975
    Hardcover. 208 pages.    

Problems in Plane Geometry
    I. F. Sharygin
    Imported Publications, City of publication unknown: 1988
    Paperback.    ISBN 5-03-000180-8    

Problems in plane geometry, with solutions
    Marcus Horblit
    Barnes & Noble, New York: 1947
    Unknown binding. 197 pages.     LCCN 47-019284

Problems in Solid Geometry
    I. F. Sharygin
    Mir, Moscow: 1984
    Hardcover. 247 pages.    

Propositiones geometricae, more veterum demonstratae, ad geometriam
    Matthew Stewart
    Typis Sands, Murray, et Cochran, Edinburgh: 1763
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 04-026038

Recreational Problems in Geometric Dissections and how to solve them
    Harry Lindgren
    Dover Publications, New York: 1972
    Hardcover. 184 pages.    ISBN 0-486-22878-9     LCCN 72-085502

Recueil de problmes de gŽomŽtrie analytique et d'algbre linŽaire
    L. Beklemicheva, A. Petrovitch, and I. Tchoubarov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 432 pages. French.    

Résolution des problèmes élémentaires de géométrie
    E. J. Honnet
    Vuibert, Paris: 1933
    Unknown binding. French.     LCCN 34-016674

Results and Problems in Combinatorial Geometry
    Vladimir Grigor§evich Boltjansky, Israel Gohberg, Bela Bollobas, and A. Harris
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 1985
    Hardcover. 108 pages.    ISBN 0-521-26298-4     LCCN 85-004187

Self-examinations in Euclid
    John Martin Frederick Wright
    W. P. Grant, Cambridge: 1829
    Unknown binding. 188 pages.     LCCN 03-020122

Solving Problems in Geometry
    V. Gusev, V. Litvinenko, and A. Mordkovich
    Mir, Moscow: 1988
    Hardcover. 238 pages.    ISBN 5-03-000499-8     LCCN 90-224700

Théorèmes et problèmes de géométrie élémentaire
    H. Charette de Le Frémoire
    Carilian-Goeury et V. Dalmont, Paris: 1852
    Unknown binding. 347 pages. French.     LCCN 03-020115

Worked problems in descriptive geometry
    V. O. Gordon and Yu. B. Ivanov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 330 pages.