Index to Mathematical Problems 1980-1984

Journals and Contests Covered by the Index


1. Abacus
2. The AMATYC Review
3. The American Mathematical Monthly
4. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
5. The College Mathematics Journal
6. Crux Mathematicorum
7. The Fibonacci Quarterly
8. Function
9. The Mathematical Gazette
10. Journal of Recreational Mathematics
11. Mathematics and Computer Education
12. The MATYC Journal
13. Menemui Matematik
14. The Mathematical Intelligencer
15. Mathematics Magazine
16. The Mathematics Student Journal
17. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde
18. CMS Notes
19. The New York State Mathematics Teachers' Journal
20. Ontario Mathematical Gazette
21. Ontario Secondary School Mathematics Bulletin
22. Parabola
23. The Pentagon
24. The Pi Mu Epsilon Journal
25. SIAM Review
26. Spectrum
27. School Science and Mathematics
28. The Two Year College Mathematics Journal


1. Australian Mathematical Olympiad
2. Austrian Mathematical Olympiad
3. Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (Mathematical Balkaniad)
4. Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad
5. British Mathematics Olympiad
6. Bulgarian Mathematical Olympiad
7. Canadian Mathematics Olympiad
8. West German Mathematical Olympiad
9. Annual Greek High School Mathematics Competition
10. International Mathematical Olympiad
11. Kurschak Mathematical Competition of Hungary
12. Dutch Mathematical Olympiad
13. Austrian-Polish Mathematical Competition
14. William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
15. Swedish Mathematical Contest
16. U.S.A. Mathematical Olympiad

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